About BrightOrange

At BrightOrange Staffing, we are passionate about providing top-quality professionals in audit, finance & tech to firms. We connect people from all over the world. Our team of experienced and highly skilled professionals are dedicated to helping our clients navigate the complex world of financial reporting, compliance and technology; ensuring that they meet their obligations and achieve their goals.


Connecting value

We make contact. We connect people and companies and bring them together. We stand for value. For clients, this means they can expect a staffing professional. For the professional, it means having a proper, wellpaying job and good working conditions. A job above the local standard, making him/her proud. We are going to use this pride to find other well-motivated professionals.

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Our Team

With our team in South Africa, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide our services to audit, finance and tech firms. Our team is diverse, multilingual, and always striving to stay at the forefront of industry developments and best practices.

We believe that our success is built on the relationships we have with our clients. We strive to build trust and understanding, and we work closely with our clients to ensure that we are delivering the services they need, when they need them. Our commitment to excellence and our passion for helping our clients succeed is what sets us apart.